Different from most natural disasters, there is typically no warning when an earthquake strikes. Earthquakes come out of nowhere and can cause untold destruction. Most earthquakes are barely noticeable but some are deadly. Earthquakes occur along fault lines. Pressure builds up in the ground over a long long period of time. In the end, the pressure becomes too intense and the ground shifts, causing the ground to move and shake. In certain cases, an earthquake is the result of volcanic eruption.
If you live in a fault line area, there are a few things you should do to prepare for an emergency. Set a meeting place set up with your family. Take the time to explain to the children what is an earthquake and what they should do if one occurs. Have emergency supplies available at all times. Canned food, can opener, and fresh water are essential at least for three days. Don't forget to have a stocked first aid kit and medications. You should also get a battery-powered radio, flashlights, batteries, and blankets. If you have pets have supplies for them as well.
Here are some very important things to do if you find yourself in an earthquake. It is very important to remember is to remain as calm as possible.
Inside of the house:
Find something heavy and sturdy and hide underneath. Try to find a desk or a table, a bed will do also. Do not move more than five feet from where you are if at all possible. as soon as you find something to climb under, stay put and hold on. Stay away from windows and mirrors that may shatter. Stay away from heavy objects that may fall on you and try to avoid the kitchen. Kitchens are full of dangerous things that may fall out of cupboards and drawers. If you have a blanket or a pillow, use it to cover your head as you kneel down. If you can't find anything, use your hands to shield your head and your neck.
If you'r on the ground floor, don't go outside. Debris can be falling and hit you as you try to exit the building. If you are on the second floor, attempting to go downstairs id bad. Stairways may collaps.
If you are at work, in an office building, don't try to exit and DONT use the elevators. If you are inside a crowded arena or in a movie theater, do not try to leave. Don't leave your station and get on the floor. Use your jacket, purse or your hands to cover and protect your head and neck. If you aren't at your seat, move away from areas with glass or mirrors. Take the same precautions as you would in any other indoor area.
If you can, move to an open area . Try to find a place that is free from telephone poles, power lines, and other things that can fall and hit you. If you are walking on a sidewalk near tall buildings when an earthquake hits, get as soon as you can underneath the nearest doorframe in order to avoid falling debris. If you have a briefcase or a purse, use it to shield your head.
When you are near a beach, enter the water if you can. If you are near a river, move away from the banks.
If you are in the mountains, look out for falling rocks and landslides. Also be aware that cliffs may become unstable and fall. Move away from such areas.
Stop if it is safe to do so and stay in your car do not stop on bridges, in tunnels, or near underpasses. Try to avoid power lines and telephone poles if you can by getting into the clearest position available.